The woman arrived at the scene of the accident, screaming, after her friends gave her the terrible news.

Her boyfriend, dead, was lying motionless in the middle of the street. She was standing next to him, crying, when something scary happened

A man devised an unconventional marriage proposal for his girlfriend with the help of friends. They staged a fake fatal accident, leading her to believe he had tragically died. Arriving at the scene, she found him lying motionless, surrounded by fake blood. Overwhelmed with shock and grief, she mourned his supposed passing until he suddenly rose, alive and well. With a smile, he revealed the elaborate ruse and asked her to marry him.

Initially stunned by the unexpected turn of events, the woman’s emotions shifted from despair to disbelief, eventually giving way to joy and relief. Despite the unconventional circumstances, she accepted his proposal, deeply moved by his gesture of love and commitment. The couple’s engagement story quickly gained attention, sparking discussions about the lengths people go to for romance. While some praised the man’s creativity and dedication to making the proposal memorable, others questioned the ethics of such an elaborate prank.

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